Featured Podcast: Business, Boundaries, and Boobs

Host: Heather Roberts
Listen Now: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/discovering-your-passion-how-losing-millions-led-me/id1663272436?i=1000617840746

How to Thrive with Your Passion: Tips for Personal Growth and Success

Discovering one's passion can be a lifelong journey, and sometimes, it takes losing something significant to find it. The journey towards that passion often involves a process of loss, self-discovery, and growth. Most of the time it’s a rough road. However, it doesn’t mean that it won’t lead to fulfilling and rewarding outcomes.

In this episode of Boundaries, Business, & Boobs, I talk with Dr. Angela Lauria, founder of Difference Press. Dr. Angela won the Stevie Award’s Coach/Mentor of the Year Award and her program, The Author’s Way, was named Coaching Program of the Year and she was named by Entrepreneur Magazine as one of the top 10 most inspiring entrepreneurs to watch – one of only 2 women on the list. Dr. Angela has been helping people free their inner author since 1994, helping over 1,000 authors-in transformation write, publish, and promote their books.

Key takeaways:

• Difference Press has helped over 1,000 authors-in-transition write, publish, and promote their books

• Dr. Angelea’s entrepreneurship began after losing millions of dollars in the stock market

• Importance of understanding your own passions and values and aligning your business with them

• Success requires risks and mistakes are inevitable

• Challenges of maintaining boundaries as a female entrepreneur

• Hear us talk about Autism and getting a better understanding about the condition

All this and more on this week's Boundaries, Business, & Boobs.

Don't miss out on next week's episode, where we'll discuss learning mistakes for personal and professional success with Jo Wise. So, remember to subscribe to the show to get that episode as soon it gets released. Until then, make your boundaries work for you.


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